Thursday, June 13, 2013

Well... Now What?

Well, I've already told you all my big secret.  Now what am I supposed to talk about?  My boring online classes?  My life as a rich recluse?  The ratio of diamonds to rubies to emeralds to sapphires?  There just isn't that much to tell.  My life is ridiculously boring.  And pointless.  I mean, how much good can I do stuck in my house?
Okay, I guess I'm not that bad.  The one thing gems are good for (besides jewelry) is paying for charities.  Normally banks would be suspicious of a bunch of jewels showing up randomly, but I'm lucky in the fact that Ivory's boyfriend, Harry, works at the bank.  As a matter of fact, he's the owner's son.  He knows what happened to me, and he "takes care" of the gems.  I'm not entirely sure what he does with them, but he makes them disappear before too much suspicion is raised.  Ivy and I keep what we need, but most of it goes to charity.  It's nice knowing that my life isn't a total waste.
That brings up an interesting thought.  I've always believed that people have the gifts they do for a reason.  I've never considered that maybe those gifts also come with a price.  I'm sure that somewhere those gems are doing someone good, but... well, does that mean that the price for that is my freedom?  My life?

Not all that glitters is gold.


  1. This may be a pointless observation. Yet, I feel like pointing it out anyways. Are you sure this 'boy friend' is that trust worthy? I mean, it sounds like you spout off a lot of gems. Do you know for a fact that he's sending them to 'charity?' Or is he using them for other purposes that you remain clueless about because you don't want to think about your power more then you have to?

    1. I trust Ivy, and Ivy trusts him. That's good enough for me.

  2. Replies
    1. *rolls eyes* please, take all the sapphires you want. I'm not using them.

    2. Yay! I'll email you my home address. ;)
