Saturday, October 19, 2013

Settling Down

I'm happy to say it's been a fairly uninteresting week (except for Iris' conspiracy theory about disappearing heroes).  Nothing unexpected has happened, and it feels amazing!  No crazy kidnappings, no surprise roommates, not even an unexpected thunderstorm!  For once life is peaceful.
Ivy and Cecy came over yesterday.  They wanted to meet Iris.  Cecily definitely likes her, and I think Ivy does too.  At least, she didn't roll her eyes when they met, which is always a good sign with Ivy.  We ended up playing bingo with gemstones (hey, I have to do something with them!).  I think we've quasi-decided to do this once a week, but I'm not holding my breath.  Ivy and Cecy have always had pretty busy schedules.

Not all that glitters is gold.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

So Just Who Is Iris Clearwater?

Well, much as I hate to admit it, having Iris as a roommate has been a lot of fun.  Though it does have its mishaps.  One of her lightening sneezes took out our internet, and we've only just gotten it fixed.  I got rid of anything citrusy I may have had after that.
It did occur to me that some of you might not know who Iris is, so I thought I'd explain a little.  Of course, it would be easier to just hop on over to her blog,, but if you're too lazy to do that, I'll just explain here.
Iris is a super who makes it rain every time she blinks.  Yes, EVERY time.  It makes life interesting.  And her weakness is that she's allergic to citrus smells, and she makes lightening every time she sneezes.  Hence getting rid of all my citrus hand lotion (not that I cared, it wasn't really my favorite scent).  To make a long story short (again, you'll want to check out her blog for that), she got on the bad side of a super villain in her area known as Evil Evil, and needed somewhere new.  Which is why she showed up on my doorstep.
Well, that's Iris in a nutshell.  And I can tell you this, she doesn't like to give you a dull moment.

Not all that glitters is gold.