Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Great.  Iris has gone missing.  Again.  Since New Year's Day.  And if anyone has any informa...
OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!  Of all the STUPID, POINTLESS....  Why would she go after Evil Evil HERSELF?! 
Oh, yeah, except she's not by herself.  She ended up getting one of her co-workers, Joseph, involved as well.  Neither of them have been seen for over a week.
Apparently the head librarian, Isabelle, is friends with  Harry.  She had asked Joseph to train Iris at her new job at the library while Isabelle took care of some family matters, but they skipped out on the end of their shift.  None of them were there when she got back.  And then, of course, I saw Iris' post about confronting Evil Evil...
So... so yeah.  If anyone has any clue where she could be... that would be appreciated.

Not all that glitters is gold.